The Nine Realms

The nine realms of Vikingr were once contained in discrete celestial spheres bound by Yggdrasil. During Ragnarok the great wyrm Jormungandr was slain. Jormungandr’s violent death throes sundered the celestial spheres and fused the realms into one.
Vanaheim is now sparsely populated by the descendants of the wise Vanir. It is a lush land of fertile ground. Valkyries are common sights in the skies of Vanaheim because Folkvangr, the meadow of the dead, is located here. Within the meadow sits Sessrumnir, the hall of Freyja. Some say her spirit still tends the grounds.
Odin and Frigg’s death in Ragnarok wove the land of Asgard with the most powerful Eitr and is now kept by the descendants of the Aesir. They are known for having the most prowess with Seidr.
Whenever someone approaches the canyon or river borders of Asgard they encounter the rainbow bridge Bifrost. It matters not where you approach Asgard, Bifrost is always present directly ahead. It is the easiest way into Asgard but is protected by the spirit of the slain guardian Heimdal from his fortress Himinbjorg.
Circling Asgard are the ruins of the incomplete wall that Hrimthurs started constructing.
The enormous hall of Valhalla resides in Asgard. It is now corrupted by the essence of Odin himself. It is said that a warrior who sits upon Hlidskjalf, Odin’s throne, will wield command over the fallen. Valhalla is found in the center of a gigantic red golden grove of trees.
There are many powerful trees in Asgard. Laeradr is a tree that sits atop of Valhalla and is known for its protective Seidr. Glasir is the greatest tree in the red golden grove. It sits before Valhalla.
In the abandoned hall of Thor, Bilskírnir, sits Mjolnir where it has rested since Thor’s children retrieved it after the events of Ragnarok.
There are several rivers in Asgard. Ifingr is a river that separates Asgard from Jotunheim. Körmt and Örmt and Kerlauger rivers also flow through Asgard.
Jotunheimr was the realm of the Jotnar, or giants. Now it is ruled by their descendants.
There is a large stronghold, Gastropnir, that was forged from the bones of fallen Jotnar. Surrounding Gastropnir are the lands of Utgardar the capital. Somewhere in the surrounding lands is a plain of eternal health and youth called Glasesisvellir. Thrymheim is an ancient Jotnar city. The river Vimur runs through Jotunheimr.
The well of Wisdom, Mimir’s Well, and Yggdrasils second root reside in Jotunheimr. It is protected by the spirit of Mimir himself.
Niflheimr is a land of icy mist perched on top of the great realm.
There are many primordial secrets locked away in the snow and cold of Niflheimr. The well Hvergelmir from which all rivers spring is hidden in the wasteland underneath another root of Yggdrasil. The river of flowing ice, Elivagar, belches forth from Hvergelmir and branches into tendrils of the rivers Svöl, Gunnthrá, Fjörm, Fimbulthul, Slidr, Hríd, Sylgr, Ylgr, Víd, Leiptr and Gjöll. Gjoll is the river separating the living from the dead. The newly dishonored dead must face the guardian Modgudr in order to cross the Gjallarbru bridge and be admitted.
There is a vast unnaturally dark plain to the north before the reaches of Niflheimr. This foreboding place is Myrkheimr the home of the Myrkalfar and Dverger. Myrkalfar ambush travelers in the fields and the Dverger carve out halls of gold and great forges under the mountains that flank the plain.
From Midgardr the lesser beings of men and beasts were born. Post Ragnarok however the lesser beings have found new power and now control the fate of the Great Realm.
Vigrid the vast field where the battle of Ragnarok took place lies to the south. It is now a swamp consisting of flesh, blood, and mystical energies still fresh from the conflict.
Hel is the land of the dishonorable dead, thieves, and murderers. It is bitterly grim and cold and still ruled over by the she being Hel. Slidr flows through Helheimr where the swords of the dead churn beneath its icy waves.
Helheimr is home to Nastrond, the lair of Nidhoggr the demon dragon, from which he comes forth to feed on and ensnare the dead.
Alfheimr and its vast towering forests is the land of the Ljosalfar. Ydalir a great tree hall sits in Alfheimr however not many can find it. From the well Urdarbrunr, Yaggdrasil has physically manifested itself into the Great Realm and towers above even the mighty forests of Alfheimr. The Ljosalfar are now fanatical about protecting their land from outsiders.
Is the land of molten fire and was the home of fire Jotnar. Surtr’s armor still stalks the land shaping it as his spirit sees fit.